Ricky Lee Man Yui


Ricky Lee Man Yui is an artist from the “Concrete Forest” of Hong Kong. Now he lives and works from Hong Kong primarily as a concept artist. He enjoys combining his illustration skills with design to create pieces that are more lively and unique and loves bringing watercolour textures, shapes and forms into his work. 

Hailing from what he terms an “art desert”, Ricky was delighted and felt fortunate to be accepted into SCAD, which allowed him to get an in-depth exploration of the art industry and boost his skills and knowledge. 

“I absolutely adore Sargent, Kim Jung Ji and Andrea Sorrentino for their understanding of shapes and anatomy”. He dreams of one day meeting these inspiring artists as Ricky’s focus is on pursuing his career in concept art for games and movies. Additionally, he participated in the Global Game Jam 2017 and has worked as an illustrator for Whitehole Design Inc.


Portfolio: rickylee95.com
Instagram: @armorick