Tobias Degel


Located in Wiesbaden, Germany, Tobias Degel is a versatile, multifaceted illustrator, graphic designer, calligrapher and more. He focuses on his client’s needs and is particularly drawn to work that utilizes his calligraphy skills. Tobias obtained his degree in graphic design while studying at Trier University.

“A big part of my inspiration came from fellow students and friends I have worked with. Another large influence is music, and I am also a big fan of the German architect and product designer Dieter Rams.”

Tobias uses a range of methods and media to create his works which includes a mixture of analogue tools and digital graphics applications. Typically, his work always starts with a blank sheet of paper and a pencil.

“Most of my projects are between roughness and cleanness. I like the contrast that comes from it.”


Instagram: @tdouwgg