Weijia Gu


Weijia Gu currently resides in Shanghai, China. He is a graduate of the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia majoring in Technology and Visual Communication Design.

“Influenced by David Hockney’s iPad drawings, I started to draw with digital devices, such as mobile phones and iPads. Digital technology is a powerful new tool for creation. With the colour wheel providing every kind of pigment, I can quickly achieve dynamic creative solutions via my devices and applications. My works are visual recordings of the scenes in my dreams and my life in Melbourne, which is represented in both abstracted and figurative forms. These works were shortlisted in the semifinals of the 2018 Adobe Design Achievement Awards within the category of Pure Art Illustration.

After returning to Shanghai, I have begun developing relationships with art institutions and galleries as well as acquiring a range of commercial clients with local and international businesses.”


Email: guweijia1991@gmail.com
Instagram: @gu_weijia