Anna Fiske


Anna Fiske (b. 1964) is a Swedish-born writer, illustrator, and cartoonist, with an MFA in illustration and graphic design, she is now living and working in Norway.

Fiske has a distinct and unique style, both in her literary and pictorial expression, and has been widely recognised for her work, winning several awards and residencies. Fiske published a groundbreaking ad-free reoccurring children’s cartoon Rabbel (2005-2009), receiving her first prize as a cartoonist from the Ministry of Culture for her contribution.

Fiske has since been the recipient an astonishing number of awards, including another two from the Ministry of Culture, illustrations (2015) and again as a cartoonist (2017), and Bokkunstprisen (2014), to name a few. She was also awarded a literary residency through the prestigious Rasmus Løland Litteraturstipend (2014), and (2016 and 2017) nominated to one of the richest literary prizes in the world, The Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award.


Instagram: @anna__fiske